Today was an inset day for me, so technically yesterday’s post was my last #summerblogchallenge post, however I thought I would briefly round off the challenge tonight.
Overall I have enjoyed it, but I am looking forward to relaxing a bit and not having to post every day. Some days it was hard to find a topic that enthused me to write about! Having said that, there are plenty of things that I considered writing about but didn’t get around to, and these may make appearances over the next few months. In particular, I remember saying that I will be writing about the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality so I will try to do that some point soon.
I have loved reading all the other posts by my fellow #summerblogchallenge people and I have tried to select my favourite post from each of them.
- Christine Norledge (@MissNorledge) – this post about the top 5 resources for rich tasks and problem solving.
- Mark Wilson (@mwimaths) – I enjoyed reading about his joining into maths in this post.
- Kim Thomas-Lee (@kimThomasLee) – great post about various activities at a “Numeracy Challenge day”.
- @funASDteacher – This post has added a book to my reading list
I’m not really sure if I have a favourite post but I did like the one about the first #mathsjournalclub discussion as I was very glad that the discussion went well.
I’m contemplating doing the #summerblogchallenge again next year….