A fair while ago I wrote an FP1 Revision Relay for the old specification. I have recently written one that targets the Vectors content of (predominantly) AS-Level Further Maths. The intention is that it is used like the UKMT Senior Team Challenge relays, in fact that is how I used it last week with my […]
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So this was meant to be posted on Monday evening and time has got away with me. Hence an early Tuesday morning post. Something a bit different as im sharing a revision sheet I made for my Year 11 Level2 Further Maths students last week’s. It covers matrix transformations and has some brief notes plus […]
Over the last couple of years I have particularly enjoyed teaching and writing interesting questions that concern Vieta’s Formulae. These relate the sums of products of roots of polynomials to the coefficients of the polynomial. I have always liked these, and have a very vivid memory of a Russian lecturer in one of my first […]
Further Maths Specification Mapping
Yesterday Luciano (@DrTrapezio) tweeted asking if anyone had a document comparing the A-Level content across different exam boards. I’m convinced that I have seen exactly this in the past but I can’t find it now. Sue de Pomerai (@SuedePom) mentioned that she had a copy of one for further maths and emailed it to Luciano, who has asked […]
Towards the end of the summer term my school ran a sixth form taster session for students in Year 10 to promote the sixth form as an option for them; as part of this I ran a taster session for A Level Further Mathematics. As they were year 10 students they wouldn’t have done a […]
Python and Further Maths 1
Because of my numerical analysis background I am very passionate about teaching coding alongside mathematics. In particular, I don’t think the A Level syllabus really does justice to the numerical methods component of the course. As most real life problems have to be solved approximately I think that numerical methods are incredibly important, but that teaching them […]
This week I had an observed lesson, where the remit was that I do something risky that I perhaps wouldn’t have done otherwise. My Year 12 Further Maths class had been selected as my observation lesson – I found thinknig of something risky to do with them harder than if it had been any other […]
I’ve recently shared an A-Level Further Maths vectors relay and thought I would make one for my AQA Level 2 Further Maths students. There are 16 questions in total, so 8 per person in a pair. The idea of these is like the UKMT Team Challenge relays. One person works on the even numbered questions […]
Mathsconf 9 and Two A-Level Topics
You may have noticed that I haven’t been posting on here much over the last few months. This is because I am co-editing the new Tarquin Group series of A-Level Mathematics and Further Mathematics textbooks. These books are being written completely from scratch for the new A-Level 2017 syllabus and I will share more of […]
Tonight (11th July 2016) at 8pm we are meeting to discuss the 6th #mathsjournalclub article which is the famous article by Brown, Brown and Bibby “I Would Rather Die’: Attitudes Of 16-Year-Olds Towards Their Future Participation In Mathematics” This article is now almost 10 years old, and despite the numbers of students studying A-Level mathematics having increased since the 2002 data […]