Next Monday (19th October) at 8pm we have the second #mathsjournalclub discussion. This time (in case you don’t already know) we are looking at Colin Foster’s paper on “Mathematical études: embedding opportunities for developing procedural fluency within rich mathematical contexts”.
I read the article through again on the train on Saturday night and enjoyed the read.
From reading it here are a few things to think about in advance of next Monday.
- Would you be comfortable with removing all “drill” practice and relying on richer tasks to develop procedural fluency?
- In what other settings could you use a task similar to this one?
- I feel that Colin makes an interesting point regarding students defaulting to a favoured approach when tackling “problem solving” type questions. Do you agree?
There is still time to give it a read and take part of you hadn’t considered it before – you can get the article online here.
I hope you can get involved in the discussion on the 19th.