I am one of the Work Group Leads (along with the great Vanessa Roper) for a new Research and Innovation Workgroup from the East Midlands West MathsHub. We are going to be looking any ways to improve students’ transition from GCSE to A-Level mathematics. There are some more details of this Work Group here: http://emwest.co.uk/gcse-to-a-level-transition-work-group/
As we want the work to be research informed, both from published sources and mini action research I am asking for your help…. We have two surveys – one teacher focussed and one student focussed. Please could you spare a few minutes to complete the teacher one and send the link to the student one to your students and encourage them to complete it.
Teacher Survey: https://forms.office.com/r/SmfxzPiuZd
Student Survey: https://forms.office.com/r/b8B6sLvzKL
Thanks a lot for your help with this!
Of course if you are based in the East Midlands it would be amazing if you could join us and take part – the first session is on the 2nd March.