Some people on staffrm may not know that I host the #mathsjournalclub discussions on Twitter. In these some of us discuss a research paper (normally chosen by an open public poll) on a mathematics education topic. The summaries of the discussions of three recent discussions are available here (I still have one to put online!):
- Discussion 1 – A glimpse into students understanding of functions
- Discussion 2 – Mathematical études: embedding opportunities for developing procedural fluency within rich mathematical contexts
- Discussion 4 – ATM MT Assessment Special
With one thing and another I didn’t get a poll up to choose the next article – I’m really sorry about this and this way of choosing articles will return so please send me any recommendations, ensuring that they are open access and not behind paywalls.
However, I don’t want to go too long without having a #mathsjournalclub chat and so I have picked an article that i think everyone will enjoy reading. The first page is shown below
The article is by John Mason, Hélia Oliviera and Ana Maria Boavida and entitled “Reasoning Reasonably in Mathematics“. In this article they discuss some student responses to the Magic Square task, for example the one shown here
I found this article fascinating, especially after seeing John Mason speak towards the end of last year, and I am sure you will too.
I propose that we chat about this on Monday the 11th April at 8pm which is the usual time. I very much hope that you can join me.
The discussion after that will be based on an article that has been voted for 🙂