
A #mathsjournalclub Announcement

You may have seen that I was a bit stupid and we missed the date of the next #mathsjournalclub because I put the incorrect date in my calendar. 

We were due to discuss the article “Reasoning Reasonably in Mathematics” by John Mason et al on the 11th April, which due to my mistake was moved to the 16th April. However, John Mason has said that he cannot make that date as he will be in Oklahoma, so I am proposing that we postpone it to a date that John can make. I believe, that where possible, having one of the article’s authors taking part in the discussion can improve the discussion significantly, so I hope no one is too frustrated at the repeated re-scheduling. I will let everyone know when I have a suitable date; I have been looking forward to discussing this one as I have tried one of the tasks with a few classes.

However, I would like to have a #mathsjournalclub discussion soon, and given the coming changes to A-Level mathematics  I think looking at the recent paper by Ian Jones, Chris Wheadon, Sara Humphries and Matthew Inglis entitled “50 Years of A-Level Mathematics: Have Standards Changed” would be useful. I am proposing that we discuss this on Monday 9th May at the usual time of 8pm. As the article is pay-walled we will be looking at a pre-print version available Here.

As a bit of a taster, here is a graph from the paper….  


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