As promised, here is a chance to vote on the next #mathsjournalclub article. The poll will be open until the 9th June and then we will discuss the chosen article on Monday 11th July at 8pm – this will be the last chat before the summer holiday.
The choices are as follows (thanks to Rob Beckett and Danny Brown for some suggestions):
- “The Incoherent Role of Sequences in the National Curriculum” – Anne Watson (MT 247)
Anne Watson suggests what can happen as a result of history and a curriculum written in a hurry
- “Proof and Proving in Mathematics Education” – Maria Alessandra Mariotti
- “Questions About Mathematical Reasoning and Proof” – John Mason
- “I Would Rather Die’: Attitudes Of 16-Year-Olds Towards Their Future Participation In Mathematics” – Margaret Brown, Peter Brown and Tamara Bibby Questionnaire responses were analysed from 1997 GCSE mathematics candidates in 17 schools about their expected future participation in AS/A level mathematics, their reasons for this and their attitude to mathematics. The data was gathered as part of a larger study but was analysed separately. The analysis supports findings from previous studies in demonstrating that lack of confidence and perceived difficulty are the major reasons for students not continuing with mathematics, and that dislike and perceived lack of relevance are also factors. The study shows a clear relation between these factors and predicted GCSE grade, and a lesser relationship with gender. When these were corrected for, school participation rates still varied, with enjoyment differentiating schools with high and low participation rates.
- Relational Understanding and Instrumental Understanding – Richard Skemp
I look forward to finding out what article you decide 🙂