
Christmas Calculated Colouring 2019

It is that time of year again…..

Here is this year’s A-Level calculated colouring – I hope your students enjoy it. The questions are of varying difficulty, some are very easy but some require a bit more thought. It should be accessible to Year 12 mathematicians.

Please download the file here

There will also be a Further Maths Calculated Colouring this year, featuring a beautiful illustration by a talented friend of mine – this should be going up on Wednesday night this week so look out for it.


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to everyone who has taken the time to read my posts since I started this blog. I know they have been infrequent recently and I intend to post more often this year.
People always mock me for my inability to colour very well, so here is a Christmas Calculated Colouring I did this morning for you all 😉

Colouring sheet courtesy of 10ticks.