It is that time of year again…..
Here is this year’s A-Level calculated colouring – I hope your students enjoy it. The questions are of varying difficulty, some are very easy but some require a bit more thought. It should be accessible to Year 12 mathematicians.

Please download the file here
There will also be a Further Maths Calculated Colouring this year, featuring a beautiful illustration by a talented friend of mine – this should be going up on Wednesday night this week so look out for it.
4 replies on “Christmas Calculated Colouring 2019”
Hi Tom,
This looks great, do you have the solutions too?
Hi Claire, I hope you are well. Sorry I have only just read this comment. I take it you found the solutions? Next year I’ll try to remember to post them up too 😉
Where can I find the answers please?
Sorry I don’t think I have them anymore…. if they don’t look right in the picture you may have gone wrong.