
An A-Level Calculated Colouring

All of last year my Further Maths class were asking to do a calculated colouring (like the 10 Ticks ones) at the end of term and I always said know as I would rather they do some maths! 

But this year I thought I could create an A-Level colouring inspired by the lower school 10 Ticks sheets.

Luckily Kim (@kimThomasLee), a friend from Twitter, offered her husband’s (@stevelee12) services for drawing a suitable picture. I was very impressed with the result and extremely grateful to him for drawing this 😉  

 I then set about writing questions. Originally I was going to do some questions based on Further Pure content but on the end to decided to use just C1 content as I think more people will be able to use this if this was the case. Most of the questions are straightforward, but there are a few tricky ones. I have done 100 questions and doubled up the regions as there are around 180 possible regions to shade in the picture. Some questions are shown below:  

I’d love for other people to use this so I have made the sheets available on my website. Please use them in the run up to the end of term. 

The picture is available here and the questions here.

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