
Christmas Further Maths Calculated Colouring 2020

Last of the calculated colourings for this year…. Here is one for Further Maths. There are less questions than in the maths version.

Of course it is harder to ensure this is suitable for everyone but I hope it is suitable for the majority of Year 12s. It contains questions on complex numbers, matrices, transformations, dimensional analysis, conic sections amongst others.

If you want to use it please download it from here.


Christmas Calculated Colouring 2020

After a very strange year it is is that time of year again…..

This should be suitable for most Year 12students and includes questions on Coordinate Geometry, differentiation of polynomials, surds, indices, a small amount of trigonometry.

The file is available to download here:

I hope your students enjoy it if you choose to use it. Please let me know of any mistakes. I’m also hoping to get a Further Maths one up later.