As always apologies that this is later than I had originally planned. A combination of school work and feeling poorly meant I didn’t get it up on Monday as I had hoped. Sorry.
The keen eyed amongst you will probably spot that I have recycled an image I originally used in a further maths calculated colouring in 2019. I like this picture which was drawn by my cousin.
Hope your students enjoy it this year. I’d love to see comments and images on Twitter (I suppose I should call it X now) – tag me at @DrBennison-.
I will be adding to this post as and when I post resources so please keep checking back.
The plan is for there to be one set (at least – If I have a chance I may do more) of practice papers for AQA A-Level Maths, AQA A-Level Further Maths and AQA Level 2 Further Maths. I am also intending on producing some 15 minute boost worksheets and exam warmup grids for these exams.
Solutions will generally go up a few days after the papers.
Exam Papers
These papers are intended as practice papers. They are not “predicted” papers as I have no prior knowledge of the topics and question styles that will come up on the papers. Once Paper 1 has happened for a course I will make some reasonable assumptions on topics that may not be assessed again, or those that will be assessed; however there is no guarantee that this is the case. Apologies in advance for any mistakes in the solutions.
These are intended to be used in a 45 minute / 1 hour session before the exam. They should contain relatively straightforward questions and checks of knowledge to boost confidence going into the exam.
Short worksheets containing 5 knowledge recall questions, 1 short form question and one longer form question. The intention is that these take around 15 minutes to complete.
Short worksheets containing 5 knowledge recall questions, 1 short form question and one longer form question. The intention is that these take around 15 minutes to complete.
In case you can’t manage without a bit of maths you may like to try my Christmas Day task for this year. I like to set a task in Christmas Day for my classes with a prize for the first to submit a solution.
My A-Level Christmas Calculated Colouring is now available (downloadable since the evening of the 12/12/22) – I am checking questions for any errors on the 13th so if you can avoid downloading till then you should!).
On this page I am going to gradually share the revision resources I have produce that target the advanced information for 2022. Of course they should be useful in later years too.
Many of you know that I had COVID earlier in the year and seem to have been strangely affected by it in terms of just how tired I am once I get in from school – consequently these are later than I had hoped, I’m sorry. I will add to this page as I publish resources and tweet when I do. The plan is a set of “practice” papers for AQA A-Level Maths and AQA A-Level Further Maths, a paper for OCR FSMQ and then some “Exam warmup” grids for use before the exams.
I am one of the Work Group Leads (along with the great Vanessa Roper) for a new Research and Innovation Workgroup from the East Midlands West MathsHub. We are going to be looking any ways to improve students’ transition from GCSE to A-Level mathematics. There are some more details of this Work Group here:
As we want the work to be research informed, both from published sources and mini action research I am asking for your help…. We have two surveys – one teacher focussed and one student focussed. Please could you spare a few minutes to complete the teacher one and send the link to the student one to your students and encourage them to complete it.
Last of the calculated colourings for this year…. Here is one for Further Maths. There are less questions than in the maths version.
Of course it is harder to ensure this is suitable for everyone but I hope it is suitable for the majority of Year 12s. It contains questions on complex numbers, matrices, transformations, dimensional analysis, conic sections amongst others.
If you want to use it please download it from here.
After a very strange year it is is that time of year again…..
This should be suitable for most Year 12students and includes questions on Coordinate Geometry, differentiation of polynomials, surds, indices, a small amount of trigonometry.
Over the last couple of weeks before half term I have tried a few things for the setting of work for my Year 12 A-Level classes remotely.
By far the most successful have been my use of worksheets with some recall / do now questions, some examples and then some exercises.
For the examples I will screen record with voiceover me annotating the examples on my iPad. As I want to upload them to an assignment in Microsoft Teams I then have to compress the videos – this can also be done on the iPad (I use Vid Compressor – I have the paid version so there is no watermark on the videos). To write my worksheet I use Pages as there is decent LaTeX interpreter built in to format mathematics properly.
Below you can download the files for a complete Further Maths lesson on the nth roots of unity. Let me know what you think – I hate the sound of my own voice though!
I have had good completion rates with this style of work set, and I like the fact that if I want to I can do the whole workflow on my iPad Pro without resorting to getting out a laptop.
Not knowing when schools will be back I have so far planned out the next half terms worth of work on the basis that I could stick to this schedule whether I am physically in the classroom with the students or not. I have decided to do 1/5 revision of prior content and 4/5 new content (Every lesson will have some retrieval practice starter questions though). My plan for Maths and for Further Maths is as follows:
Plan for the Next Five Weeks
I will then supplement these with some exercise sets taken from textbooks for independent practice. The questions on my sheets will all be original.
I’m happy to make my files available if anyone would find them helpful – just let me know 🙂