Apologies that this announcement is later than planned, but I still think there is time for people to read these articles for a discussion on Monday 11th January at 8pm.
The ATM Mathematics Teaching journal produced a special assessment focussed edition this November that has completely open access until the end of January and for this reason we decided to run an extra maths journal club chat looking at two articles from this issue.
The winning article was:
- “Encouraging studentsā formative assessment skills when working with non-routine, unstructured problems: Designed student responses” by Sheila Evans Ā –Ā Effective assessment is necessarily composed of numerous strands and strategies. Some strands will be more preeminent than others, but sound assessment depends on data derived from multiple sources. Designed student responses have the potential to gather new insights into student achievement and understanding. Here the case is well made, and students respond positively to the introduction of this type of assessment activity.
The second placed article was:
- “Assessment: Beyond right and wrong” by Matt Lewis –Ā This is an account of an on-going evidence-based project in a number of schools in London. The professionals involved seek to set the complex process of assessment of learning in mathematics in the context of its educational and social purposes. The article draws on examples
from recent work on approaches to the assessment of reasoning and problem-solving. The challenges are not underestimated given that we seem to be experiencing a culture that might be regarded as valuing measurement of performance regardless of the quality or meaningfulness of the data generated. The debates will continue, but the enduring need for statutory assessment should not dumb-down the process.
If you click on the article titles you will be taken to a pdf file – both are fairly short and would make great Christmas reading.
I look forward to discussing these on the 11th January 2016 for the first #mathsjournalclub of the newyear.