
#mathsjournalclub Special Edition – ATM MT

This month the ATM have produced a special issue of their journal “Mathematics Teaching” focussed on assessment and made it freely available to all until the end of January 2016. People on Twitter seemed keen to have a special edition of #mathsjournalclub (in addition to our usual bi-monthly chats) looking solely at an article / […]


#mathsjournalclub Poll 3 – The Winner

The poll is now closed and the winner is…… “Contrasts in Mathematical Challenges in A-Level Mathematics and Further Mathematics, and Undergraduate Examinations” by Ellie Darlington, and published in the IMA Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications journal. This article achieved almost 50% of the votes, and I am really looking forward to discussing it. The article […]


#mathsjournalclub Third Poll

 Following on from our second successful discussion last week it is time to vote on the article for the next discussion. The next discussion will take place at 8pm on Monday the 7th of December. I know everyone gets busy in the run up to Christmas but I hope that you can all still take […]


Birth Of A Theorem

Cedric Villani’s book “Birth of a Theorem” has recently been released and received positive revies, such as this one by Hannah Fry. I had been dubious about buying this book due to the apparent high level mathematical content of parts of it, but about 3 weeks ago BBC Radio 4 featured it as their book of the […]

Teaching Uncategorized

MathsHUBS and Steel Cables

I’ve been pretty slow writing about this but on Wednesday 11th March Mathshubs East Midlands West held this half term’s Secondary Curriculum Development Meeting.  Aswell as being a chance to have a few cakes (I particularly like the granola bars topped with strawberry jam and seeds) Matilde Warden (@jordanvorderman), the maths lead for the East […]