Those of you who know me well know that I am quite a fan of programming and due to my background the languages I am most expert in are probably Fortran and Matlab.
Excitingly a new standard – Fortran 2018 – was approved and published on the 28th November. If you so wish you can buy it from here.
Helpfully John Reid as usual has produced a document detailing the differences from the last standard – which can be found from the Fortran Working group page here.
Fortran has certainly moved on from the original restrictions on line length (with certain columns reserved for describing the type of information on the card).
I’m particularly interested in the new parallel features, though given my job now I’m unlikely to have much of a chance to play with them.
The paid for Intel compiler already seems to have quite good support for this new variant of Fortran. If you are interested in Fortran it is certainly worth following @DoctorFortranon twitter – this is the Twitter handle of Steve Lionel who used to work for Intel and whose comments on forums I found very useful!