

This morning I woke to see this article entitled “Weapons of maths destruction: are calculators killing our ability to work it out in our head?” from The Conversation promoted on my Twitter feed. The article is written by Dr Jeanne Carroll of the College of Education at Victoria University, Melbourne she puts forward the view that calculators […]


A Little Rant about Flash

I had intended for a different post to go live today, but it looks like the post that was scheduled didn’t save properly so I have quickly thought of something else to write about. Looks like I will get it posted just in time so it is probably going to be shorter than some….  I […]


An FSMP Extension Resource

Last week I went for lunch with Ria Symonds (@RiaSymonds). Aside from being a close friend of mine she is also the Further Mathematics Support Programme’s (FMSP @furthermaths) co-ordinator for the East Midlands. Alongside lots of gossiping she also gave me a copy of this pack shown below: There are some great resources in here and […]


My Twitter History

Last week Jo Morgan (@mathsjem) posted a picture of a Wordle formed from all her tweets since she joined Twitter. This led me to think about my Twitter history. Back in 2009 I had experimented with Twitter, but didn’t stick at it and kind of forgot about it until I set up my “professional” Twitter account […]


The Magic of the Micro: Part 1

At the beginning of July Stuart Price (@sxpmaths) blogged this post looking at A Level textbooks through the ages.  I really enjoyed reading this, and was particularly drawn to a picture of a book that described computer programs written in Basic for use in the maths classroom. I was so keen to look at this that I […]


A Little on Japanese Multiplication

The Japanese method of multiplication seems to be everywhere at the moment – Julia (@tessmaths) I noticed had advocated it ( I think prompted by a tweet by @missradders) on Twitter overtone weekend and one of my oldest friends posted a video of it on my Facebook page yesterday asking how it works and if it will […]


Thoughts on Edexcel Mechanics 2

Firstly, after a discussion on Twitter the other week I’ve decided to delay publishing my workings of the Edexcel exam papers until I know that they are already out there on the Internet. My personal feeling is that the exam papers (not solutions) should be made publicly available (I.e. Not in any secure sections of […]


Formula Triangles and an Odd Misconception

Formula triangles are quite prevalent in the UK (I’m not about elsewhere to be honest) – especially in science lessons and when right angled triangle trigonometry is taught. A typical example is the following for the relationship between speed, distance and time:    I’ve expressed my dislike (hatred is perhaps too strong a word) of […]


Thoughts on Edexcel Core 1 2015

I don’t actually teach Core 1, but as I’m trying to do every A level maths paper sat by students at my school I thought I’d post a few reflections after I had done it. A pdf of my solutions are here respectively. Overall it seems to have been found pretty easy by the stronger candidates doing […]


Jumping Ahead

I recently opened my copy of the TES from 17th April (this is quite good for me, I normally have months worth of these stacked up which I finally open in the holidays…) and there was a short article with an interview with Dr Geoff Smith of the University of Bath.  I was lucky enough […]